Group of 184

The Group of 184 is a group of Haitian individuals and organizations in a variety of sectors, ranging from business and the economy to media and education, who are united in opposition to Jean-Bertrand Aristide and his Fanmi Lavalas party. The name springs from the number of organizations in this group, and is frequently shortened to G184. It was created with the specific intent to oppose the government of Jean-Bertrand Aristide in Haiti. It is led by André Apaid, a Haitian businessman.[1]



The Washington, D.C. organization Haiti Democracy Project (HDP) is a nonprofit thinktank created by Haitian-Americans to create "more proactive and effective U.S. policy toward Haiti." It views the government of Aristide as corrupt and ineffective.[1] This view has resulted in allegations that the HDP created G184, which have been refuted by the HDP director, James R. Morrell.[2]

It has been alleged repeatedly that G184 was developed by the American International Republican Institute to engineer an anti-Aristide coup.[3][4]

Associated Groups

All members of Haiti's Initiative de la Societe Civile (ISC) group are members of the Group of 184. The European Commission worked with the ISC from 2001 to 2003 on a Human Rights and Democracy project, and donated 773,000 Euros annually during that period of time. The EC donation was dispersed among groups in Haiti that the ISC designated "human rights groups". Of the fourteen groups that received donations, seven were members of G184.[5]



  1. ^ Sanders, Richard. The G184’s Powerbrokers — Apaid and Boulos: Owners of the Fourth Estate; Leaders of the Fifth Column Press for Conversion. Sept 2007. Issue #61. Retrieved Feb 6, 2011.
  2. ^ Dollars & Sense Letter to the Editor March/April 2004.
  3. ^ Joshua Kurlantzick. Mother Jones "The Coup Connection" Nov/Dec 2004.
  4. ^ Max Blumenthal. The Other Regime Change July 16, 2004.
  5. ^ Haiti Support Group "European Union funding for members of the Group of 184" 11 November 2003.
  6. ^ Kevin Pina. "The Bush Administration's Endgame for Haiti, Part Three". December 14, 2003.

External links